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CAL: the best for Fruit and Vegetable Market and Logistic

In 1965 the Fruit and Vegetable Market of Parma was founded with the aim of facilitate the local commercial activities. 30 years later, in 1995, the C.A.A.P. was created, a faction society that inherited the typical market maintaining the historical traditions but that innovates in deep way the functionality and the operative ness of the structure. With a very efficient organization, a wide range of services, an imperative attention towards the product quality and clear prices the Centre succeeded in gaining a large number of clients coming from all the area of Padana plain.

After C.A.A.P., C.A.L. is today same innovative structure, studied and projected by Studio Valle with the goal of improving the functionality, the services efficiency, the comfort of the operators, the facility of approach and the best balance in volumes.

It is the landmark for all the Agriculture division, it is the core centre that has the re-qualification of the business production as its mission, such as the creation of brand new structures on the territory and the development of a logistic net adequate to the demand.

The Centro Agroalimentare and Logistic of Parma aims to the quality product passing through the quality of work of all the operators: resellers and shops, agriculture firms and producers, commercial operators and consumers.
C.A.L. is a management society with the majority of public capital. The partners are the Town Council of Parma, the District of Parma, the Region of Emilia-Romagna, the Chamber of Commerce of Parma, the bank Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza and Banca del Monte.

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